On Behalf of India Supply Chain Network (ISCN), I am proposing to the SCM Professionals across India to identify a day dedicated to the cause of Supply Chain Management. Please recommend a day with a suitable reasoning why it should be selected as an SCM Day? Let us hear from everyone and settle on a day and then ISCN will spearhead promoting the selected day as an SCM Day.

How does an SCM Day help our profession?
[1] SCM is a cross-functional discipline where we work with different departments and at different levels. This is an opportunity to thank everyone who are selflessly serving the organisation, customers and us. Companies can conduct Supplier meet and recognize them on this day.
[2] To conduct events to highlight the importance of SCM within the organisation, so as to take the cross-functional integration to the next level and an opportunity for better understanding from our colleagues in other departments.
[3] Keith Oliver coined the term “Supply Chain Management” in 1980’s and from that date there is no looking back for this profession. As we all know, we have a huge potential in terms of importance and growth in the coming years. But at the same time, we need to spend at least a day to reflect upon where we are in our career and what additional skill sets need to be added to keep us relevant for the coming years. Today, SCM is undergoing transformation with industry 4.0. So it gives both opportunities and threats. SCM professionals who are willing to change and adopt will take the opportunity boat.
[4] To develop future SCM Professionals and to create awareness among them, SCM Day may be celebrated at Institutions as well. Conducting such events will also help buttress academia-industry collaboration. One example is Western Illinois University conducts SCM Day for similar reasons.
About Author
Venkadesh Narayanan is the Principal Consultant at Fhyzics Business Consultants Pvt. Ltd. with over 25 years’ experience in business consulting, business analysis, process improvement, supply chain and new product development. He is a mechanical engineer and an MBA worked for several organizations in India, USA and Canada prior to joining Fhyzics. He is a former Indian Civil Servant [IRAS 2000 Batch] and served in Ministry of Railways, Government of India. You can find some of the videos of Venkadesh Narayanan on various topics in our YouTube Channel Business Analysis Digest and also feel free to connect with him through LinkedIn.
Keyword: Supply Chain, Supply Chain Management, India Supply Chain Network(ISCN), SCM Professionals, Supply Chain Management Day, ISCN , Cross-Functional Discipline, Cross-Functional Integration, Growth, Professionals, Opportunity Boat, Institutions, Academia-Industry Collaboration, Organisation, Customers, Supplier, Western Illinois University.