“Voice of the customer” a term used to describe the specified and unspecified customer needs/requirements.
The voice of the customer can be captured in many ways, such as direct interviews or discussion, customer specifications, surveys, focus groups, field reports, observation, warranty data, etc.
Need for Voice of the Customer Research:One can never become an industry leader until you listen to the customer. Customer-perceived quality is the foremost driver of business success. Actual voice of the customer programs allow you to connect and engage with customers at key points in the customer journey.
- Customize the products/services/add-ons and features to meet the needs/wants of the customers.
- Maximize the company’s profit.
- Identify/prioritize voiced needs/wants.
- Solicit and evaluate new concepts/ideas/solutions.
When your customers express their voice in real-time, they expect you to listen, act and report back to them. Top-performing businesses pay close attention to the customers feedback.
A VOC program should fix multiple types of comment across data channels, integrate the voice of the customer and the employee, provide automatic collaboration, leverage dashboards/reports that integrate and display information from multiple customer voices regardless of source, survey and time and deliver vibrant business results.
Customer needs should be organised – why?Once customer needs are collected, it has to be organized. The form of interview notes, market research, requirements documents, and customer data needs to be summarized into a minority of statements that express key customer needs. Affinity diagramming tool can be used to assist with this effort. Studies depict that maintaining a helpful customer experience helps businesses realize the perceptible return on investment which includes increased revenue, improved employee engagement, and decreased costs.
Keywords: Principles of Product Development, PDMA, Product Certification, Product Design and Development Process, Product Design Development, Product Development, Product Development Books, Product Development Books, Product Development Certification, Product Development Consulting, Product Development Consulting, Product Development Process Flowchart, Product Development Steps, Product Development Techniques, Product Development Training, Product Development Training, Product Development, Product Management Classes, Product Management Courses Online, Product Management Training Courses, Product Manager Certification Online, NPDP