Under this basic plan, we aid in registering your proposed organization as a private limited company for 2-directors. The Private Limited registration is governed by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs under the Companies Act, 2013. Some of the major advantages of becoming a private limited entity are: the directors of this entity are relieved of any personal liability to associated creditors for any debt’s of the company. The company continues to exist post-succession as well. The ownership can also be transferred easily without any hassles. In case the company wishes to raise equity in future or issue equities, preference shares or accept deposits with the approval of RBI it becomes possible by establishing as a private limited company.
Not only does this plan come with the DIN (2 numbers) but also comes with a basic business plan that shall outline how your entity shall be created, established and see its growth aspects over a 3-year period as a roadmap.
Keywords: Company Incorporation, Incorporating a Company, Setting up a Limited Company, Pvt Ltd Company Registration, Incorporation Services, Company Formation Services, Register a New Business, Company Registration Process, Small Business Incorporation, Setting up a New Company, Incorporate Your Business Online, Best Online Incorporation Service, Setting up a Limited Liability Company, Formation and Incorporation of a Company, Corporate Company Registration, Business Formation Services, Common for Business incorporation